Raj Cloro 50

Chloropyriphos 50% EC
Dose :-400-500 ml per acre (FIELD CROPS)

• RAJ CLORO-50 BENEFITS: It controls Termites in pre construction or post construction buildings. DOSAGE 5ML/ 1 Litre Water
• PRE CONSTRUCTION BUILDING: STAGE1: Treat the bottom surface and sides (upto 30cm height) of the excavations made for column pits, wall trenches and basements with 5ml/ 1 litre water
• STAGE 2: Treat the refill earth on both sides of all built up walls (approximate width 30cm and depth 45 cm) vertical surface of structure.
• POST CONSTRUCTION: Apply precautiously inside and out side of the post construction building by spraying thoroughly. Results may find immediately. It has “”TRIPLE ACTION KILLING EFFECT”” on Pest & termites : Contact, Stomach & Vapor Effect. It kills bollworms, stem borer, leaf folder and other insects on the crops and plants.
• The process to control the termites for trees please dig 10” inches with width of 2 feet around the tree. Now pour normal water of two buckets (20 litre bucket). Wait for one hour after pouring normal water. Mean while prepare chemical concentrate for 20 litre water with 200 ml Chlorpyrifos. After one hour pour 19 litres chemical concentrate around the tree. Remaining 1 litre concentrate should be brushed (use paint brush 2” size)on the stem of the tree upto 4 feet from the ground.

Packing :- 1Lit , 500 ml & 250 ml
